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Our Organist and Choir Master is Glyn Williams

Built by Messrs Harrison and Harrison of Durham and gifted to the church by Lt Col N Ffarington Eckersley of Trench Hall, the organ was installed in 1923.   Restoration and repairs took place in 1970, 1983 and 1986.   There is a significant amount of leatherwork and, over 90 years later, this was showing signs of deterioration.   In addition, much of the original timber had started to split which resulted in a loss of air and thus efficiency.  Therefore, further restoration took place between May 2015 and March 2016,

Click here to see the progress and here to see a summary of the work.

The Choir meets to practice in Church on Thursdays at 19:30.   If you would like to join this recently re-established group or just come along to sing & learn new hymns, please contact Kim Archer on 07970 357553